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Pace employs a support system throughout our holistic approach that utilizes our three key pillars: Gender-responsive, Strengths-based, and Trauma-informed. Click below to learn more about our pillars.

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More Information on our Remote Therapy Services for Girls


TelePace is a virtual therapy program dedicated to providing essential mental health support to girls aged 11-17 in south and west Broward County. The program offers comprehensive teletherapy services delivered by certified Pace therapists, with a commitment to accessibility and empowerment.

Key Program Features:

  • Weekly Teletherapy Sessions: Each participant will receive weekly teletherapy sessions, spanning a duration of six-to-eight months. These sessions, facilitated by Pace therapists, aim to foster healing and growth in a supportive environment. Participants can build the schedule around their needs.


  • Free of Charge: Pace is committed to removing financial barriers to mental health care. All services provided through the program are offered at no charge, ensuring equitable access for all participants.


  • Technology Accessibility: Recognizing the importance of technology in accessing teletherapy services, Pace will provide devices and internet access to families who lack the necessary resources.


Does TelePace offer the same standard of care as in-person sessions?

Yes, the girl receives the same quality of support and services as provided by a Pace professional on site.

What are teleservices?

Broadly, teleservice is the application of remote work and telecommunications technology to deliver professional services at a distance. Pace’s Teleservices are customized trauma-informed therapeutic services provided remotely and tailored to each girl and family