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Every Girl Deserves a Chance: Yaritza’s Journey with Pace Center for Girls

In the summer after her 7th-grade year, Yaritza and her family moved from Illinois to Florida, seeking a fresh start after a period of trauma. After attending traditional school for her 8th grade year in Florida, she found she wasn’t adjusting well and was falling behind the curve of her peers. With very little support and lack of hope, she was close giving up all together about herself and her future. Yaritza recalls, “This was a time in my life where I truly didn’t care what happened to me. I didn’t see the point in trying because my life felt out of my control and chaos seemed to follow me wherever I went. I couldn’t see a path forward, but I knew something had to change.” This move led her to a place that she described as significantly impacting her life for the better – Pace Center for Girls.

In 2014, Yaritza’s mom connected with a transition counselor who introduced the idea of Pace. Initially, Yaritza was very resistant to the idea of attending an all-girls school. It took months of convincing her to even look at a brochure and be open to the idea of going to see her local Pace school. However, a tour of the center changed her perspective. “It felt really welcoming and safe, I can still remember the bright colors of the walls and the wheel of Pace’s Values and Guiding Principles. For the first time in a while, it gave me hope that I could achieve those goals,” she recalls. This welcoming environment gave Yaritza the chance to feel secure and supported during a crucial time in her life.

At Pace, Yaritza found her favorite class, “Spirited Girls,” where she learned budgeting – a skill that sparked her interest in finance. This class was her first step towards her current career path to be a financial advisor and planner. Reflecting on her time at Pace, Yaritza says, “Pace was the first time that I took therapy seriously. I felt like I was allowed to process my emotions and received more holistic support. It showed me I can’t change what happened in my past, but I am in control of my present and my future.” Pace gave her the chance to develop essential life skills and discover her passion. Yaritza obtained for an extension in the program not wanting to leave the comfort and security of her favorite school, but the time came when she had to move forward with the lessons she learned.

After transitioning back to her local high school in her sophomore year, Yaritza carried the lessons and memories from Pace with her. “I still remember my transition party from Pace and how much it meant to me. I was gifted a book, “Oh the places you’ll go” by Dr. Seuss and I actually believed it. Everyone signed and left encouraging messages in my book. I still have my Pace ID from high school,” she shares. Keeping the ID serves as a reminder of how far she has come and the impact Pace had on her life. After graduating from high school, Yaritza worked diligently to earn her associate degree, furthering her education and opening more doors for her future.

For other girls facing challenges, Yaritza offers advice: “Don’t be nervous to put yourself into an environment you don’t know. Don’t be close-minded and be open to positive change even if it goes against what you’ve known. The only way out for me was to face everything I was running from with strength and resilience. Give yourself grace for your mistakes and do better next time. Pace made me more well-rounded and grateful for my life.” She emphasizes the importance of seeking support and breaking the stigma that only ‘bad girls’ go to Pace. “It’s for girls that just need a little additional support.”

Yaritza attributes her personal and professional growth to the values and guiding principles she learned at Pace. “I learned to actually take care of myself at Pace. I still carry Pace’s Values and Guiding Principles with me in my career today.”

Every girl deserves a chance to succeed, and at Pace, Yaritza found the tools and opportunities she needed to become the successful woman she is today.


A Promise of Support: Lanaysia’s Journey with Pace Center for Girls

Pace’s Reach Program in South Carolina is breaking down barriers and ensuring accessibility to essential mental health and academic services. Lanaysia, a senior in the Pee Dee Region, shared her journey participating in the Reach Program at her neighborhood high school, emphasizing the transformative impact of the program and the profound bond she built with her therapist, Ms. Carla.

Ms. Carla provided Lanaysia with much more than just guidance; she became a source of safety and security in Lanaysia’s life. For girls like Lanaysia, who may have faced various challenges in their lives, this connection can be a lifeline.

Ms. Carla’s message to Lanaysia was clear: “I won’t leave you.” This simple yet powerful statement conveyed a sense of commitment and dedication that deeply resonated with Lanaysia.

A typical day in the Pace Reach Program can involve individual, peer group, and family counseling and therapy sessions, equipping middle and high school girls with the skills necessary to make healthy decisions, reduce harmful habits, and enhance their overall health, wellness, and safety.

When asked about her involvement in the Pace Reach Program, Lanaysia explained that her decision to enroll stemmed from a desire to interact with other girls. The program offered a unique opportunity for her to connect with peers who share similar experiences. In Reach, Lanaysia has not only formed meaningful relationships with other girls but has also discovered a space where she can be herself, free from judgment.

When she enrolled in the Reach program, she faced academic challenges that hindered her graduation timeline. With a dedicated support team in place, she successfully realigned her academic path to graduate on schedule. While she refrains from calling them dreams, she has set ambitious goals for herself. She envisions having a big house and becoming an athletic trainer, all while caring for her family, particularly her mother and sister.

When asked what every girl deserves, Lanaysia simply responded with “love.” Her story, along with countless others, highlights how a caring community of adults, coupled with positive mental health outcomes, can support girls on their path to bright futures.


Angel is Honored as 2024 DJJ Youth Ambassador

Angel’s journey is marked by resilience. At a young age, she confronted formidable challenges that might have overwhelmed others. But Angel is not like many.

She found her way to Pace Pasco during the summer after sixth grade. When her previous middle school noticed her school attendance dropping, they suggested that she explore the option of joining Pace. Angel, though hesitant, decided to give it a try.

“During that period, my life was quite complex,” Angel reflected. “While I had maintained decent academic performance, I began to face challenges. I grappled with the temptation to skip school, turned to substances, and had many challenges at home. Additionally, my family faced chronic homelessness, compounding my difficulties.”

Angel’s early days at Pace were marked by uncertainty and adversity, but she had a fierce determination to rise above her circumstances. “My home necessarily wasn’t a safe environment and Pace provided me the safety I needed.”

“I became pregnant with my daughter shortly after enrolling at Pace and gave birth to her on the last day of school that academic year,” Angel recalled. “I was determined to get ahead academically and create a better future for my daughter.”

Pace became more than just a school for Angel; it was a lifeline that provided holistic support beyond what a typical educational institution offered. For Angel, Pace became a haven that understood her essential needs and went above and beyond to meet them.

Angel’s journey was far from conventional, but it was her unique path that set her apart. She graduated from high school at just 16 years old while working two jobs and enrolled at Florida State University, a testament to her unwavering dedication and the support she found at Pace. “Nobody in my family had gone to college. Pace taught me to care about my future.”

She proudly attributes her accomplishments to the foundation laid at Pace—a place that not only equipped her with academic skills but nurtured her emotional well-being and self-belief. “I think the most important part of Pace is the passion and the involvement of people that work there.”

Angel’s journey is an inspiration not only to herself but to everyone who crosses her path. Her story is proof that with the right guidance, a safe space to thrive, and a determination to succeed, anything is possible.

Today, Angel is a mother and a college graduate with plans to pursue a master’s degree in public administration with a focus in nonprofit administration. She knows that her journey is far from over, and she is eager to give back to others what she has received herself. She was recently honored as a 2024 DJJ Youth Ambassador.

“When I was a young girl, seeing how many people were so passionate about helping someone who needed it has really inspired me,” Angel said with a smile. “I’m hopeful one day life will come full circle, and I will be that for someone else.”

“From Pace’s founding in 1985 to today, Pace has been a testimony to every girl that there is a future and hope,” Angel concluded.


A Summer of Inspiration: Merging Art and Nontraditional Learning in Math 

Summer break is a time for relaxation and rejuvenation, but it doesn’t have to be a break from learning. Pace’s year-round programming for girls ages 11-17 is crucial as it helps prevent learning loss, reinforces knowledge and skills, and provides opportunities for exploration and enrichment. 

New this summer, Pace Polk introduced “Art in Math,” a multidisciplinary learning incentive for girls. The immersive art experience led by Chloe Lynch, Program Assistant at Pace Polk, featured a famous artist each week and showcased how art relates to math.  

“Mathematics often conjures images of equations, formulas, and rigid problem-solving,” expressed Chloe. “However, incorporating art into math lessons introduces a creative twist that opens doors to a world of possibilities for our girls.” 

By integrating nontraditional and creative learning over the summer, we can: 

  • Foster Personal Growth: Nontraditional learning can offer unique experiences that challenge our girls to step out of their comfort zones, build resilience, and develop new skills. 
  • Bridge Educational Gaps: Creative learning can address educational gaps and inequalities. For girls who may lack access to certain resources, summer programs can provide additional support, resources, and experiences that contribute to their overall academic success. 
  • Promote Social Interaction: Art often involves group activities and collaborative projects. This fosters social interaction and teamwork, enabling our girls to build strong relationships and communication skills with their peers. 
  • Explore Career Interests: The “Art in Math” activities focused on career exploration, allowing girls to gain insights into different professions and industries. This exposure can help them make more informed decisions about their future educational and career paths. 

We spoke with Cailee, 14, a student at Pace Polk, who shared that her experience in Pace’s summer learning program offered more flexibility, allowing her to pursue topics and activities that align with her passions and preferences — one of those being art. 

“I think art is fun and beneficial because you get to see other people’s mindsets,” shared Cailee . “My favorite artist that we learned about this summer was Frida Khalo, a Mexican painter known for her many self-portraits. Her dedication to art and her community inspires me. I’ve learned at Pace that it doesn’t matter what background I came from and what I’ve been in the past — that I can be myself without any judgment.” 

Every day, our exceptional team of educators, counselors and therapists, work to create inclusive spaces that help girls realize and harness their power.  

Are you a girl who’s interested in Pace? Do you know a girl who may benefit from our programs? Click here to learn more about life at Pace and how you can enroll. 


Music, Food, and Community: How Pace Center for Girls Celebrates Caribbean-American Heritage Month

June is Caribbean-American Heritage Month, a time to celebrate the beauty and diversity of Caribbean-American identity. Since the United States’ founding, Caribbean Americans have enriched our country, sharing history, art, music, and more.

Rose Anderson is the Career and College Readiness Coordinator at Pace Broward. Her Caribbean-British heritage is incorporated and celebrated throughout her entire department at Pace.

She shared, “I celebrate my heritage every day I get a chance to breathe. I love and celebrate the fact that I come from a culture that exudes various genres of music, artforms, clothing, food and deep-rooted history. My parents are my heroes and my inspiration and have made me into the person I am today. I listen intently and connect to their stories, proverbs and ancestral anecdotes that continue to inspire me to be true to my legacy and I unashamedly celebrate that I am a Jamaican-British-American human being.”

For Pace Leon Associate Executive Director, Kristel Avilus, educating others about her Jamaican culture goes hand in hand with celebrating her heritage. From language to food to art, Kristel is proud to center her Jamaican identity at work. Kristel says: “I announce my Jamaican heritage by having Jamaican crafts, collectibles, books, and crafts, utilizing them in conversations with coworkers, donors, community partners and girls.” These physical objects are a powerful reminder of her pride in her identity.

Carley Vasquez, a counselor at Pace Leon, reflects: “I am intentional about celebrating my Puerto Rican and Colombian culture through food and music. Some of my favorite foods to enjoy are arepas con queso and pandebono.” At Pace Leon, girls and staff celebrated Caribbean-American Heritage Month through a catered lunch from a Haitian restaurant, Port 509.

Carley enjoys listening to Bad Bunny and Kali Uchis, Puerto Rican and Colombian artists, and Kristel listens to reggae and calypso music.

For Tina Swaby, a math teacher at Pace Broward, music is all about the community. Tina enjoys attending music and food festivals year-round, noting: “It is always an awesome experience to come together as a people from different countries and backgrounds to celebrate our oneness as Caribbean-Americans as well as offer the same experience to first timers!”

Pace serves thousands of girls from different cultural heritages across Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. We are proud to create a safe and inclusive environment that recognizes and celebrates girls and team members for their rich heritages.
